Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hey all...or just me. :o)
I first made this blog 2 years ago, then I never came back! The best laid plans! LOL

Now, I'm going to try to start this up again....Here is my first entry. (again) LOL

I have joined a group of some amazing artists, and I just accepted a challenge to draw 31 things from a list for the month of June. that I've accepted that challenge, and wrote it's time to start drawing. (and to learn how to use this blog)

Before I draw from the challenge, I think I'll try to share a "zendoodle" type doodle I just sent to my daughter who left last week for an 18 month mission for our Church. I hope this works....and hope it can click to a bigger size, so the details can show up. I hope you enjoy it, It's full of many things that symbolize many Spiritual things, and have some great Scriptures, and Hymns written in it too! Needless to say, my daughter LOVES Rainbows and stripes.

Take some time to enjoy your day!


Sarah said...

Very cheerful! Well done for starting again Pam.

Cathy Holtom said...

This beautiful Pam, I'm sure it was much appreciated.

Spinneretta said...

Oh great colours :) It's like a patchwork quilt!!
Keep it up ;) Looking forward to your EDM challenges :)

Unknown said...

What a beautiful and colorful piece. It's a great "first" post. I look forward to seeing more. And, welcome to EDM. It is a wonderful, wonderful group. I've been with EDM for just over a year and consider the members very good friends!

Timaree said...

Coming over from EDM (I'm a little behind with checking the messages) to say hello. This is a very nice zentangle picture. I'm sure your daughter loves it.

nanke's stuff said...

This is lovely and I'm sure your daughter will love it! nancy